

Group Members:

Michaela Engelbrecht - Copywriter
Sarah Nel - Graphic Designer
Chloe Lucas - Graphic Designer
Chloë Sampson - Digital Designer

In a world where language often divides, the concept for these posters, "No Translation Needed," celebrates the universal language of emotion. The core of this print series lies in its celebration of the South African exclamations "Jôh," “Jis” and “Sjoe”, which are spontaneous expressions of emotion. These exclamations are paired with the experience of sipping Schweppes, encapsulating moments of surprise, delight, and satisfaction in a beverage. The body copy speaks to each poster’s character directly and encapsulates the feeling of disconnect that might arise between generations when it comes to things like style. The main focus, however, is not the disconnect, but the empathy that can exist in spite of it. How something as simple as an exclamation can bind people together.


03 | Cape Town Tourism


05 | TheCollector